Trentham Golf Club Events

Autumn Teams Aggregate Stableford

Autumn Teams Aggregate Stableford

This event is the Community Bank Trentham 18-hole Teams Aggregate Stableford, Day 2 of the Autumn tournament. Winners are determined by adding the Stableford scores of each team, best three to count and the fourth in the event of a tie.

Entries will be received from teams of any combination. Teams containing two men and two women, or alternatviely three women and one man, will be automatically entered into the 2025 Trentham Plate, which is held in conjunction. Winners will hold the plate for one year.


 Team composition Category Eligible for Trentham Plate
 Four men Men's No
 Three men and one woman Men's No
 Two men and two women  Mixed Yes
 One man and three women  Mixed Yes
 Four women  Women's No


There are also prizes on offer for the best individual Stableford scores for both men and women. You can enter the Individual Stableford event on the day if you cannot make up a team. We may be able to make one up for you.

Entry for this event is $180.00 per team and your entry includes lunch.

There will be a multi-tee start at 10:00am.

Excellent daily prizes of vouchers, nearest the pins and longest drive.

The event is sponsored by Community Bendigo Bank Trentham and the Trentham Golf Club.



Event Information

Event Date March 16, 2025, 9:50 am
Entries close on March 14, 2025, 6:00 pm
No. of places remaining 37
Event entry price $120 per team of 4
Location Trentham Golf Club