Trentham Golf Club Events

Autumn tournament

Autumn tournament

The Community Bank Trentham 2025 Autumn tournament features two events on Saturday March 15 and Sunday March 16. Get your partner or team together and enter this fun tournament!

Saturday: 4BBB Stableford
Sunday: Aggregate Teams Stableford (4 players of any combination)

The cost is $60 per pair for the 4BBB Stableford, and $180 per team for the Aggregate Stableford (please note that the entry fee for the Aggregate Stableford includes lunch).

Mixed teams (two men and two women, or three women and one man) in the Aggregate Stableford will be automatically entered in the Trentham Plate (held in conjunction), an event with a history going back over four decades. The winners will hold the plate for one year.

The Aggregate Stableford also has an individual Stableford event, with prizes for the best male and female individual scores (please note: players cannot win both the team event and the individual score event).

Autumn 4BBB Stableford
Event Date March 15, 2025, 10:00 am
Entries close on March 13, 2025, 6:00 pm
No. of places remaining 55
Event entry price $60 per pair
Autumn Teams Aggregate Stableford
Event Date March 16, 2025, 9:50 am
Entries close on March 14, 2025, 6:00 pm
No. of places remaining 37
Event entry price $120 per team of 4